Faculty Handbook

Welcome to the updated Faculty Handbook. Please refer to and familiarize yourself with the following important resources for the 2021–22 school year. Sections will be revised periodically, and you will be informed when changes or additions are posted.

General Information

  • Message from the President and the Dean

    Fall 2021

    Dear Colleagues,

    We are so happy to welcome you back. The last year and a half challenged us in many ways—as individuals and as a school community. What our students accomplished during that time was, in many ways, due to your willingness to embrace those challenges and your determination to do all you could for Curtis’s students. Thank you.

    As faculty members at Curtis, you are role models and mentors. Our students will look to you for artistic and intellectual guidance, professional advice, and general wisdom; and will take cues from you with regard to how they interact with other faculty, staff, and their fellow students. You are in a unique position to demonstrate for your students the kind of healthy and collegial demeanor that will serve them well throughout their own careers, both at Curtis and beyond. It is also important that you convey to your students that we care not only about their development as artists, but also about their well-being. To this end, we request that you carefully review the student wellness information in this handbook.

    One of your ongoing responsibilities as faculty members is to remind students of their responsibilities as members of the Curtis community. Instill in them an understanding of what it means to be a good citizen of Curtis—that academic and artistic integrity should be central to everything they do, and that being open to new ideas and points of view is an important element of a Curtis education. On the more practical side, they should be reminded to be on time and prepared for lessons, coachings, and rehearsals; that master class attendance is strongly encouraged and required when their instrument is featured; and that release requests should be discussed with and must be approved by you. You should also let your students know that we are counting on them to do their part to take care of our classrooms, common spaces, library, and studios, as well as the instruments, equipment, furniture, and other resources within them.

    All of us must make it our mission to teach students not only from our musical experience, but also from our life experience. Your encouragement—and insistence—will go a long way toward ensuring that our students make the most of Curtis and of the musical and other cultural offerings in the wider Philadelphia community. Familiarizing yourself with this handbook will help you guide them while also putting you in touch with a variety of resources at Curtis. This will ensure that together, we will indeed educate and train our students for the exceptional musical lives that await them.

    Please accept our best wishes for an enjoyable and fulfilling academic year.

    Roberto                        Paul

  • Institutional Policies

    View Curtis’s Institutional Policies here.

  • Academic Calendar and Events

    Academic Calendar

    View the 2021–22 academic calendar here. Additional updates will be announced.

    Performance Calendar

    The 2021–22 performance calendar will be available in the near future.

    Wednesday-Afternoon Tea

    Every Wednesday at 3 p.m. throughout the Fall 2021 semester, a formal tea will be held in the Gould Dining Hall and Commons for students, faculty, and staff. If you are teaching during that hour, take a break for a few minutes to have tea, snacks, and conversation. If you are passing by, please stop in. Tea offers the Curtis community an important opportunity to come together.

    Special Events

    The advancement office often sponsors events, including special concerts and milestone commemorations. If you are invited to attend, RSVP promptly so that those responsible can plan properly.

    Holiday Party

    At the annual holiday party, held this year on December 10 at 7 p.m., the entire Curtis community celebrates the season with song, entertainment, food, and dance. Please join us!

All Faculty

  • Milton L. Rock Resource Center

    The Rock Resource Center comprises the John de Lancie Library and the Curtis Archives. Its mission is to:

    • provide Curtis students, faculty, and staff with the best possible collection of printed music, books, periodicals, recordings, and electronic resources needed to fulfill the school’s mission;
    • promote the Rock Resource Center’s holdings through forward thinking and open patron service; and
    • preserve and make Curtis’s past accessible to the greater Curtis community.

    The John de Lancie Library is located in the Milton L. Rock Resource Center, 1720 Locust Street. When school is in session, the library hours are:

    Monday through Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m.


    The library contains more than 59,000 volumes of scores (including over 100 scholarly sets of composers’ complete works), 10,000 books, subscriptions to 70 periodicals, more than 30,000 recordings for study or performance use, and electronic resources related to the study of music. In addition the library manages the archival material of Curtis’s history, including music and memorabilia of people associated with the school. The library provides a representative selection of editions of solo and chamber repertoire for all the instrumental and vocal areas of study offered at Curtis. It maintains a wide selection of study scores and audio and video recordings for the conducting and composition programs. The library also maintains a selection of books chosen by the faculty to support Curtis’s academic curricula.

    Access to Materials Not Owned by Curtis

    The library’s policy is to purchase music-related and non-music requests whenever possible. Books and music can be borrowed for short periods of time from libraries all over North America through interlibrary loan; these requests are processed by the Curtis library staff.

    Using the Collection

    New faculty members are invited to meet with one of the librarians for a tour of the collection, including the Rock Online Catalog (ROC) and an introduction to the procedures for class reserves. All faculty members are encouraged to recommend new materials for the collection. Outside researchers seeking access to special collections or archival material should contact library or archives staff.

    There is a listening room next to the elevator on the third floor of the library; Electronic resources, including streaming audio and video, can be accessed by any Curtis user anywhere via the library website. The library’s electronic resources are accessible off-campus via log-in with your Curtis e-mail user name and password.

    There is a computer, printer and scanner available to all patrons in the Sterne Reading Room on the first floor. Please refer to the library website for additional information on services, polices and procedures, facilities, and electronic resources.

    Please note the hours of the library (see above) when you make assignments. Print reserves are handled through the main circulation desk at the entrance to the library.

  • Internal Communication


    During the Fall 2021 semester, faculty mail will be collected and made available in the alcove opposite Nan Alderson’s office in Lenfest Hall. Please check for your mail every time you are at school. This will keep you up-to-date on internal affairs and allow you to respond promptly to those who have tried to reach you at Curtis.


    There are computers for your use in the Sterne Reading Room (Milton L. Rock Resource Center, 1720 Locust Street, first floor rear) and the Lenfest Hall faculty office (1616 Locust Street, Room 407). Please note that you must sign out a key from Lenfest Hall security for Room 407.

    Printers, Scanners, and Phones

    There is a printer and scanner in the Sterne Reading Room (Milton L. Rock Resource Center, 1720 Locust Street, first floor rear). Please read and abide by the copyright guide in this handbook.

    Digital Signs

    Digital signs (flat-screen television monitors) in Lenfest Hall display upcoming program details, photos of Curtis life, tidbits from the Curtis archives, urgent announcements, emergency messages, weather, and news. Check them on your way in and out to stay up-to-date.

    Calendars and Schedules

    Where do you need to be and when? Find the answers on Asimut. Here you can check schedules and information for lessons, coachings, rehearsals, performances, master classes, academic classes, and student activities. Sign in using your Curtis e-mail credentials: firstname.lastname and password. (If you do not know your password, contact infotech@curtis.edu.) For more information on Asimut, go to “Calendar and Room Reservations” on the Curtis Portal or contact Matt Morgan, chief technology officer.

    Student Information

    A list of student names, ordered by instrument, is located in this Handbook. Additional information is available in “Directories” on the Curtis Portal.


    Wi-fi is available in all Curtis buildings, and the faculty now has a dedicated wi-fi network.

    1. On your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, select Curtis Faculty as the network you wish to use.

    2. Open an Internet browser, such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer.

    3. Log in using your firstname.lastname and Curtis e-mail password.

    Questions may be directed to infotech@curtis.edu.


    To access your Curtis e-mail, open a Web browser (such as Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer) and enter: portal.office.com. Enter your e-mail address and click the “Sign in” button. (Do not enter your password on this page.) You will be redirected to another sign-in page that says “Kimmel Center and Philadelphia Orchestra” at the top—this is correct. Enter your password to access your mailbox.

    All official school correspondence will be sent to your Curtis email. Please check your faculty e-mail regularly, as staff often use it to contact you; and remind your students to check their Curtis e-mail at least twice a day. Student e-mail addresses are firstname.lastname@curtis.edu.

    Faculty Biographies

    The communications staff maintains a bio for each faculty member in the Faculty section of Curtis.edu, Please send photos, links, and updates or changes to Patricia Johnson, vice president of communications. Please consider adding a link to Curtis.edu on your website; such connections lead more people to Curtis.


    The semiannual Curtis magazine, Overtones, includes faculty news in its Notations section. Please send updates on your performances, premieres, publications, recordings, appointments, or family milestones to the editorial team by filling out the online form.


    Printed resources are available for you to share information about Curtis as you travel to perform and teach. Reach out to Bailey Spiteri, marketing associate, to discuss your specific needs and resource availability.

    Performance Tickets

    Complimentary seating is available for faculty to most ticketed performances by the Curtis Symphony Orchestra and Curtis Opera Theatre. (In cases where sold-out houses preclude comp tickets, dress rehearsals are often opened to faculty as well as students and staff.) Look for information e-mails prior to each performance, or contact Andrew McIntyre, manager of audience development.

  • Curtis Online

    Useful Links

    Please share Curtis online with prospective students, audience members, and supporters. Link to the main website and other relevant channels from your own website.

    Main website: www.curtis.edu

    Events calendar (public): www.curtis.edu/Calendar

    Library: https://www.curtis.edu/learn/library/

    Curtis Portal: https://kimmelcenter.sharepoint.com/sites/CurtisPortal

    Asimut Calendar: https://curtis.asimut.net

    Performances: www.curtis.edu/Performances

    Summer and Online Learning: www.curtis.edu/Summerfest

    Canvas: https://curtis.instructure.com/

    Coursera free online classes: www.curtis.edu/performances/watch-listen/

    Facebook (main Curtis account): www.facebook.com/CurtisInstitute

    Twitter (main Curtis account): https://twitter.com/CurtisInstitute

    YouTube (Curtis channel): www.youtube.com/CurtisInstitute

    Instagram (main Curtis account): www.instagram.com/CurtisInstitute

    Curtis Portal

    The Curtis Portal contains information and forms for faculty, students, and staff, including:

    • Student biographies
    • Forms to request audio-visual services, accompanying, recital dates, piano repair, releases, etc.
    • Orchestra assignments
    • Links to Canvas (supplementary course materials for liberal arts, musical studies, and career studies)
    • Academic policies and procedures

    Audition Repertoire

    Audition repertoire information is posted at www.curtis.edu/apply/audition. Performance faculty who would like to change the required audition repertoire should begin discussing their ideas with departmental colleagues and the dean early, so a decision to be reached in time for the next update. Changes should be given to Belmary Lorcas, admissions and recruitment manager, at belmary.lorcas@curtis.edu or (215) 717-3167.

  • Student Wellness

    In addition to the information below, please refer to the Student Wellness section at Curtis.edu/Policies.

    Physical Health Care

    Primary physical health care for Curtis students is provided by the University of Pennsylvania Student Health Service (SHS). All students are encouraged to use SHS facilities whenever possible. SHS offers a variety of health services in a university environment. Its medical staff includes general practitioners, adolescent medicine physicians, internists, and a gynecologist, each of whom holds an appointment within the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. SHS has an experienced team of nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, health educators, and sports medicine specialists who can evaluate and treat acute and chronic injuries of musicians, optimizing performance and helping musicians safely return to activity after injury or illness. SHS is located at 3535 Market Street, Suite 100, and is accessible via SEPTA Bus 21 (18th and Walnut Streets).

    The annual health services fee billed to students covers the cost of SHS office visits but does not include laboratory tests, prescriptions, and other such expenses. Students may file insurance claims for reimbursement of these costs through either Curtis’s student health insurance plan or a private insurance plan.

    Curtis also provides wellness information concerning dental and eye health plus therapies including chiropractic, massage, Rolfing, Feldenkrais, and Alexander Technique. Wellness workshops are offered each year focusing on injury prevention and overall healthy life choices, and students are encouraged to attend.

    Faculty and students should contact Meredith Tarditi, associate dean of student life and international student affairs for additional information. Meredith can be reached at (215) 717-3165 or meredith.tarditi@curtis.edu.

    Mental Health Services

    There may be times when you recognize that a student needs psychological and/or psychiatric help. Early intervention keeps minor concerns minor and students’ academic, professional, and personal lives running smoothly. Curtis’s consulting psychologists are all are located within easy walking distance to Curtis. During the year, students have opportunity to seek counseling on topics such as stress management, depression, and performance anxiety. For names and contact information for any of these clinicians, or to make appointments, contact Meredith Tarditi by e-mail or at (215) 717-3165. If a student needs to see a psychiatrist for medication or other issues, she can also provide names of referrals along with contact information.

    If you need additional information about referrals, would like to discuss concerns, or if you feel ongoing care would be helpful to the student in question, contact Meredith Tarditi, who works closely with our mental health team.

    CARE Team

    The CARE team is a group of administrators poised to respond to situations that could disrupt a student’s academic participation or psychosocial wellbeing. CARE stands for Concern, Assessment, Response, and Evaluation, which is the task of the team. When there is a student of concern, the CARE team will intervene, review the situation, and coordinate an action plan to support the student through the crisis, life event, or difficulty and maintain the health and safety of the individual and the greater community.

    Faculty are encouraged to contact the CARE team if you feel there may be distress or if you are concerned about a student. Situations that may merit contact with the CARE team include: academic performance or attendance changes, observable changes in demeanor or appearance, altercations with teachers or other students, classroom disruptions, concerning academic submissions, disclosure of student stress. Please contact the CARE team via e-mail to CARE@curtis.edu.

  • Student Release Requests

    What is a Release Request?

    A Release Request is an official request to be away from Curtis during the school year—defined as the periods from August 30–December 15, 2021 and January 10–May 12, 2022. Given the fact that schedules can be altered, Curtis needs to know in advance when students plan to be away and why.

    The performing opportunities students have outside of school are a valuable supplement to, but not a replacement for, their obligations or experiences at Curtis, and faculty are a regular part of the decision-making process that determines the value of these opportunities and if they are happening at the right time in a student’s development.

    As a general guide, students closer to graduating from school will be given more leeway with their requests than a student in the earlier part of their Curtis enrollment.  There is no specific cap on lengths of requests, but the cumulative effect of absences will be part of the discussion of each submission.

    Students must submit Release Requests for any of the following reasons:

    1. They anticipate being absent from Curtis for any reason during the term, even if they foresee no apparent conflict with school activities, classes or lessons; (For Younger Students—this includes if they anticipate being absent from high school, middle school, or elementary school.)
    2. They are participating in any public performance (including performance opportunities arranged by Curtis), competition, or audition during the time periods noted above;
    3. They anticipate their personal or non-Curtis appointments or activities may interfere with lessons, coaching or classes;
    4. They plan to apply for a position or teach, either privately or in connection with other institutions.


    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Curtis’s ability to approve release requests will be affected by many factors including national, state, and local recommendations and restrictions as well as the protocols being enforced by locations to which students are traveling. Curtis reserves the right to require COVID-19 testing and/or quarantine measures of students prior to their return to campus.

    Students should follow the procedures listed below. Since Release Requests need the approval of major teacher(s) and the teacher(s) of whatever class(es) might be missed, students should submit their requests well in advance. The approval process will also ascertain that the absence is a legitimate use of their time.

    1. Submit Release Requests online from the following page on the Curtis Portal. Once the Release Request has been submitted via the Curtis Portal, the request will be reviewed by the Dean, the Senior Director of Production (for orchestral instrumentalists only), the Director of Administration and Operations for Vocal Studies and the Curtis Opera Theatre (for vocalists only) and the Associate Dean of Student Life and International Student Affairs (for international students only). If pre-approved by the above staff, the request form will be emailed to the student with their major teacher(s), chamber music coaches, and applicable academic faculty on copy for their approval. If your request is denied, you will receive an email informing you of the reason(s).
    2. International students in F-1 status MUST provide complete information for paid employment (curricular practical training) including name, address, and contact information of the employer/presenter and the venue where you are performing. Curricular Practical Training must be authorized IN ADVANCE for each paid engagement in order for a release request to be approved.  INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MUST FILL OUT A RELEASE REQUEST FOR ANY PAID ENGAGEMENT. 

    The registrar will keep the approved Release Request forms on file. Absences are not marked “Excused” from your class(es) until the Release Request has been approved.  In order to take makeup tests or quizzes, students must have been released from the class they originally missed.  If a Release Request has not been processed and a lesson is posted that a student cannot make because of an outside commitment, that lesson will not be rescheduled.

    Failure to follow the above procedures may result in the loss of release request privileges and/or lower grades reflecting attendance.

    Curtis reserves the right to deny approval if such action is warranted. Academic difficulties are a sufficient reason for faculty members to refuse to approve release requests. Release Requests do not release students from their obligations to complete class assignments. Career-oriented activities such as major performances and auditions will receive priority when release requests are submitted for consideration.

    Sunday Conflicts


  • Academic Honesty Policy

    Students are expected to complete all assignments, tests, and papers with the highest degree of integrity, and they are on their honor while attending Curtis. Curtis considers plagiarism to be any unacknowledged use of the ideas or language of others; plagiarism may be grounds for dismissal. All critical sources should be cited clearly in all work. Please familiarize yourself with Curtis’s Academic Honesty Policy.

    Students must make adequate progress in their classroom work. If any of your students are in academic difficulty, please take time to discuss this with Dean Paul Bryan at paul.bryan@curtis.edu or Dr. Jeanne McGinn, senior associate dean of academics, at jeanne.mcginn@curtis.edu.

  • Travel and Hotels

    Faculty members who travel to Philadelphia to teach are requested to submit receipts for their travel expenses to the registrar along with a completed faculty travel reimbursement form. During the school year, please submit one month’s reimbursement form and receipts by the tenth of the following month to Darin Kelly. Hotels are booked by Curtis, which covers only the cost of the room itself and applicable taxes. To ensure that a room will be available for you, please contact Paul Bryan at paul.bryan@curtis.edu or (215) 717-3125 with your needs as early as possible.

  • Faculty Orientation

    All newly hired faculty members have an intake interview with the director of human resources. At that time, they are made aware of all the offices and services available to them as part of the Curtis faculty. Performance faculty members will have orientation with the president, dean, and senior associate dean of student affairs during the fall semester. Liberal arts, musical studies, and career studies faculty members will have orientations with their department chair before the semester begins.

  • Communications and Marketing Resources

    Marketing and Publicity for Faculty Recitals
    Recitals by faculty members that take place outside the school’s performance season are the faculty member’s responsibility to promote. Separate promotion guidelines exist regarding performances for which faculty rent Curtis facilities. Contact Nan Alderson for guidelines.

    Recitals on Television, Radio, and the Web

    Curtis performances are featured in a variety of outlets, including broadcasts on television and radio; and online throughout the year (www.curtis.edu/multimedia). Key outlets include:

    • The Curtis YouTube channel offers performance videos on demand and select live-streamed recitals.
    • WHYY’s On Stage at Curtis features performances from the stage of Field Concert Hall on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., with episodes available online at any time.
    • WWFM—The Classical Network broadcasts Curtis Calls each Monday at 10 p.m., with a repeat on Wednesday at noon, at 89.1 HD1 (digital radio). Programs are also available online.
    • Curtis performances occasionally air on American Public Media’s Performance Today, broadcast on 250 member radio stations around the country.

    No faculty performance is broadcast or posted without express consent from the performers, sought by the department of artistic production. In some cases advance approval of performances is required in order to schedule these opportunities.

    Endowed Faculty Chairs

    In recognition of our donors’ generous support of Curtis, we ask faculty members with an endowed chair to include their full title in biographies, press releases, and anywhere else your name and Curtis affiliation appears in print.

  • Press Policies

    Press Access to Curtis

    The communications staff manages all press access to Curtis. This includes broadcast, print, and online media outlets, whether they are working on stories about Curtis or about individuals associated with Curtis.

    Faculty and Press Opportunities

    At all times the priority of the communications and marketing staff is to raise the visibility of Curtis as an institution. In service of this larger goal, the communications and marketing staff maintains press files on all current faculty and may approach some members to participate in media coverage, photo shoots, or other opportunities. When you achieve significant career milestones, please email the news promptly to Patricia Johnson so these may be incorporated in Curtis press and social media efforts. It greatly helps in press efforts if you supply a relevant photo to accompany your news, where possible. Whenever you update your headshot, please email a high-resolution file with any necessary photographer credit to Patricia Johnson.

    Press Contacts with Faculty

    To the extent that members of the media express interest in specific faculty members, the communications staff will notify the faculty member and may assist in scheduling interviews and other opportunities. When members of the media request access to lessons, rehearsals, or classes, the communications staff will confer with the appropriate faculty member before granting access. The communications staff takes no responsibility for press approaches directly to faculty members without its knowledge. Please recognize that any comments made to the media may reflect on and affect Curtis and its community members, even if the topic does not involve the school. If you are contacted by national or local media—especially with questions pertaining to Curtis—please contact Patricia Johnson at (215) 717-3190 or patricia.johnson@curtis.edu prior to providing any comment or interview.

    Press Visits to Curtis

    Do not schedule press visits to Curtis without first conferring with Patricia Johnson at (215) 717-3190 or patricia.johnson@curtis.edu. This includes invitations to review performances, conduct interviews, audio- or video-record lessons or coachings, or receive tours. Press must be greeted by communications staff when attending performances, and must be escorted by a member of the communications staff while otherwise on the premises.

    Promotional Services

    Do not arrange for photography, videography, or other promotional services at Curtis without first conferring with Patricia Johnson at (215) 717-3190 or patricia.johnson@curtis.edu. Such visitors must be escorted by a member of the communications staff while on the premises. Not all requests can be granted.

  • Institutional Policies

    We encourage you to visit Curtis’s Institutional Policies page, where you can learn about the many ways in which Curtis ensures a safe and healthy campus environment within a vibrant creative culture.

Performance Faculty

  • Performance Faculty Goals and Standards

    The Curtis Institute of Music seeks to engage instrumental, vocal, conducting, and composition faculty who are recognized leaders in their fields, and who have the ability to recruit, educate, retain, and guide gifted young performers.

    The ideal faculty member, in addition to pedagogical skills, will have an interest in and the ability to serve as a mentor and role model for his or her students. Performance faculty at Curtis will be expected to assume personal responsibility for the quality of their own studios. Attendance at their students’ concerts, especially graduation recitals, will be expected. A willingness to participate in the life of the conservatory outside of their teaching hours will also be important.

    Performance Faculty Obligations

    Faculty members will teach their assigned students for the assigned period as indicated in their terms of employment. Faculty members must adhere to the academic calendar when scheduling lessons; no lessons, coachings, studio classes, etc. may be scheduled during exam periods or other restricted times as set forth by the dean.

    Teaching responsibilities shall include but not be limited to: planning and establishing an appropriate yearly course of study for each student; and offering each student an evaluation of his or her work in the form of a grade.

    Curtis aims to capture our faculty’s unique and individual teaching styles, methods, and goals for their students in writing. Major teachers are asked to articulate what they hope for in their students’ learning and how they evaluate this learning. This initiative is meant to inspire new ideas and to spark conversations between teachers and students that cultivate a spirit of shared pursuit and growth.

    Given the diverse backgrounds of our students, the varying abilities in conversational English, and differences in learning styles, a written statement will go a long way in helping all students take ownership of their learning. Each instructor and/or department will have complete freedom in determining what they expect from students, how students will be graded, and how they express this in writing. Samples offered for you to consider range from a brief teaching philosophy to a detailed syllabus that covers content such as repertoire choices. There is no prescription for this requirement, only the baseline need to address questions like the following:

      • What are the overarching goals in your studio/department?
      • Is there specific repertoire students will be expected to cover?
      • What kind of weekly preparation do you expect from your students? (For example, by when does repertoire need to be memorized, or when should a lesson include accompaniment?)
      • How do you grade your students’ work? What would constitute satisfactory or even exceptional progress toward your studio/department goals versusinadequate effort or achievement?

    Faculty members will meet one to two times annually with the dean to assess and review the progress of each student in their studio.

    While we encourage faculty members to provide regular feedback to students about performances their students give throughout their careers at Curtis, faculty members are particularly encouraged to discuss the graduation recital with their students after attending or listening to a recording of it. The major teacher remains the ultimate arbiter of the student’s progress and readiness to graduate.

    Faculty members will be invited to participate in departmental and institutional evaluations. Curtis will call upon faculty members to meet, discuss, and review the entrance standards, curriculum, and graduation standards appropriate to each department.

    Required programming offering training in areas important to you, your students, and Curtis—such as Title IX compliance and diversity, equity, and inclusion—will be offered periodically. Participation in and completion of these sessions is mandatory. Compensation and/or benefits may be withheld from a faculty member for failure to fulfill the above trainings, the duties and obligations under their employment agreement, or the terms set forth in the Curtis Faculty Handbook.

  • Lessons, Coachings, and Studio Classes


    Per your Terms of Employment, you are compensated for your assigned teaching occurring during the 2021–22 academic year: August 30–December 15, 2021 and January 10–May 12, 2022. All lessons during these time periods will take place on campus at Curtis or be held remotely via video conference.

    In order to give our students a clearer expectation of their schedules, each faculty member should communicate to Darin Kelly (for instrumentalists) or Dorothy Shrader (for vocalists) either:

    • a consistent day or days for your weekly teaching (with exact times on those days to be determined with Darin or Dorothy’s assistance) or
    • your semester dates if you will not be teaching on a consistent day(s) of the week

    Generally, no lessons or coachings will be scheduled after 10 p.m. on any day, and no lessons, coachings, studio classes, etc. will be scheduled on Sundays. Due to space limitations during the Fall 2021 semester, however, a minimal number of activities may be scheduled on Sundays if needed.

    How to Reach You

    Please also give your students a preferred way to reach you (home phone, cell phone, e-mail, etc.). Before seeing you again, they may have to discuss an unexpected absence from school for which they require your permission. On rare occasions when they must cancel a lesson, they should do so directly with you and notify the registrar. By opening up this personal line of communication, you will encourage them to discuss relevant matters with you.

    Contact Hours

    Faculty members are expected to teach each of their private students in accordance with the terms of employment listed in their contracts. There may be some weeks that you do not teach; it is the overall number of contact hours that is most important.

    Shared Students

    If a student is shared between you and another teacher, it is strongly encouraged that you and your fellow instructor discuss the lesson and scheduling plans for the academic year and agree when you and your colleague will see your shared student. Should no instructions be provided to the registrar, your shared students’ lessons will be scheduled each week, alternating between you and your fellow instructor, or at the discretion of the registrar.

    Space Assignments

    Space assignments for lessons and coachings will be posted on the Asimut calendar. Lessons during the Fall 2021 semester are held in Lenfest Hall. Regularly scheduled large ensembles, rehearsals, and coachings, whenever possible, are scheduled in Gould Rehearsal Hall (Lenfest Hall) or one of the larger studios in Lenfest. The longer the lead time for scheduling these larger groups, the greater the possibility that larger spaces will be available.

    Outside Students

    During the Fall 2021 semester, it will not be possible to teach outside students in Curtis spaces.


    Protocol for inviting guests into Curtis facilities will continue to change during the pandemic. Please make note of updates and contact Nan Alderson or Dean Bryan with questions in this area.

    Non-Curtis Activities

    During the Fall 2021 semester, it will not be possible to accommodate non-Curtis rehearsals on campus.

  • Master Classes

    Master classes enhance your students’ musical education. Please work with Hannah Horine, director of performance activities to discuss artist possibilities, invitations, and class format. Larger studios (piano, strings, string chamber music, voice) are asked to offer no more than two master classes a year, while all other studios should limit their requests to one each. Additional invitations will be contingent on scheduling possibilities and budget and are subject to approval. All invitations must originate from the department of artistic production. Once master class artists are secured and scheduled, faculty will be consulted to select students to play. Some master classes are open by invitation to select Curtis supporters; others are open only to students.

    We work with the Philadelphia Chamber Music Society and the Philadelphia Orchestra to align all schedules so that select visiting guest artists will be able to teach a master class.

    Student attendance is mandatory at master classes for a student’s major. Teaching should not occur at the same time as these classes, so that both students and faculty can attend with no conflicts.

    For master classes in other areas, please encourage your students to attend those that you believe would be of benefit to them. Updates and other related information will be sent to you throughout the year.

  • Student Recital Authorization

    Solo Performances

    Students must have your permission to perform on the Student Recital Series. Students submit their requests to Hannah Horine, director of performance activities, via the Curtis Portal. Once a student has submitted all the necessary information, you will be contacted to confirm that the request has your consent so a date can be assigned. As the date approaches you will receive a follow-up message to approve the performance itself. During all stages of this process, please discuss with your student the necessary time for practice and lessons/coachings in preparation.

    Chamber Music Performances

    If you are coaching a chamber music group, please contact Hannah Horine at hannah.horine@curtis.edu or (215) 717-3197 to request a performance date for your group or designate one student from the group to submit a request through the intranet form. When you make a request, please keep in mind the necessary amount of time for rehearsals and coaching before the performance. Chamber music and vocal requests are not subject to advance time limits.

    Guest Performer Record/Broadcast Waiver

    Students wishing to perform with guests (anyone not currently studying at Curtis, whether faculty, alumni, or others) must submit to Hannah Horine a waiver form signed by the guest artist, allowing the recording and possible broadcast or online use of their performance. Requests that do not include this waiver may not be approved. A PDF of this form can be downloaded from this page on the Curtis Portal.

    I hereby grant to the Curtis Institute of Music the right to photograph and record, use, copy, broadcast, live stream, and/or webcast without limitation by audio and/or video transmission, including video on demand and Internet2, my performance in Field Concert Hall on the date specified below. Curtis may use, copy, broadcast, and/or webcast video and audio recordings of my performance for up to two years from the date of performance. Until that date, Curtis retains the right to grant a license to a third party to broadcast/webcast these performances without limitation by audio and/or video transmission, including video on demand and Internet2.



    ________________________________________________             _____________________

    (Name of faculty, alumni, or guest performer—please print)    (Date of performance)


    _____________________________________    _____________________

    (Signature)                                                            (Date)

Academic Faculty

  • Academic Faculty Goals and Standards

    The Curtis Institute of Music endeavors to assemble academic faculty whose members are outstanding teachers and experts in their disciplines. The dean will appoint instructors whose credentials indicate that they are proven instructors and active scholars. Instructors should familiarize themselves with the school’s educational and performance goals in order to design courses that provide musicians with as deep and as broad an education as possible.

    Specific objectives for students include the practice of rigorous and independent thinking; the pursuit of clear expression, both oral and written; and the encouragement of creativity. Curtis faculty members should be able to teach at the highest level in a manner that is rigorous and reasonable while also accountable to the school’s mission and goals, and to the curricular plan of the appropriate department.

    To be considered for a position, a candidate should present a C.V. and letters of recommendation; and should have attained a Ph.D. in his or her chosen field (applicants with a master’s degree may also be considered). The hiring process will include an interview and, when possible, an invitation to lead a class.

    Academic faculty members are expected to:

    • teach the assigned students in the course(s) indicated in the contract letter and submit grades at the end of each semester;
    • attend all departmental meetings and the in-service days (August and January);
    • conduct office hours (in the departmental office or in the classroom);
    • make efforts to participate in the life of the Curtis community;
    • participate in assessment activities*;
    • meet, discuss, and review the entrance standards, curriculum, and graduation standards appropriate to each department; and
    • complete training in areas important to you, your students, and Curtis—such as Title IX compliance and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Participation in and completion of these sessions is mandatory. Compensation and/or benefits may be withheld from a faculty member for failure to fulfill the above trainings, the duties and obligations under their employment agreement, or the terms set forth in the Curtis Faculty Handbook.

    Compensation levels for the faculty will be reviewed annually with the aim of retaining exceptional teachers and colleagues who are engaged in their disciplines and in the life of Curtis.

    *The dean and the department chair will review the teaching effectiveness of each instructor through classroom visits. Formal student assessment of teaching, conducted by the registrar’s office, will take place each semester. Peer assessment of classroom teaching will be invited as well.

  • Academic Integrity

    Curtis expects faculty, staff, and students to perform with the highest standards of academic integrity, as outlined in the Academic Honesty Policy. Academic faculty members review the policy annually at the in-service day and are invited to discuss the policy with students, colleagues, and administrators.

    Please have students complete the following forms for major assignments. These forms are also available from your department chair or can be downloaded from the intranet.





    I certify that I have completed this essay without any unauthorized assistance from any person, source, text, or device. When I have used the writings or ideas of others, I have acknowledged all my sources with standard citation format.


    ________________________________ __________________

    (Name)                                                      (Date)








    I certify that I have completed this examination without any unauthorized assistance from any person, source, text, or device.


    ________________________________ __________________

    Name                                                       Date

  • Course Materials

    All course texts and materials are ordered through the library. Emily Butler Waters, assistant dean of the library and archives, coordinates the orders each semester. Please place your orders in a timely fashion and collect your course texts at the beginning of the semester. It is recommended that you hand out just the first book for the semester, as some students may drop the course. Ask students who drop the course to return the book, so you have it on hand for students who add the course.

    Additional course materials may be left on reserve with the library circulation manager. Be sure to indicate whether the material is for in-house only or overnight reserve.

  • Classrooms

    Classrooms in 1726 Locust Street

    Information on 1726 Locust Street classrooms will be provided closer to the reopening of the building in January 2022.

    Classrooms in Lenfest Hall

    Classrooms are equipped with computers, CD/DVD systems, projectors, and screens, as well as wi-fi. The keyboard and mouse are stored in a box within the classroom lectern; for access to that box and to the cabinet containing system components, please sign out the appropriate key from the Lenfest Hall guard’s desk—and return the key to the guard’s desk after your class. To sign out a set of keys for the academic year, contact Nan Alderson, senior director of facility operations.

    Each room has a printed user’s guide for the multimedia system located near the computer. Please take care to leave the computer on and turn the projector off after your class. Be sure to also lock the cabinet and lock the mouse and keyboard inside of the lectern box. Turn off the wall keypad (next to the light switch) by pressing the red power button in the upper left corner of the screen (next to the room number) to exit the system.

    Classroom Technology Support

    For assistance with the computers, projectors, stereo, wall control panel, and other technology in 235 and Lenfest Hall classrooms, contact Curtis IT. IT staff are aware of classroom schedules and will be available during the start times of classes in Lenfest Hall to resolve immediate issues. If you anticipate using your classroom technology in a new way, it is strongly recommended that you arrange training with IT in advance by e-mail at infotech@curtis.edu.

    If you wish to use the Clevertouch screen (a large classroom display mounted on a stand with wheels), please contact infotech@curtis.edu for scheduling.

  • Syllabi

    At the beginning of each semester, instructors must provide a course syllabus for students that includes course goals and expected learning outcomes, a list of proposed readings and texts, all meeting dates, a schedule for exams and written papers, attendance and lateness policies, and a reiteration of the academic honesty policy. Explain your policy on academic progress and the methods of examination and assessment that you will use.

    Please provide appropriate links to the Curtis Portal where students can find more information about the library, online academic resources, and additional links to departmental pages.

     All syllabi should include a statement that directs students with questions about disabilities to Meredith Tarditi, associate dean of student life and international student affairs. Here is a sample statement:

    Students may be eligible for special accommodations due to a disability. Students who feel they may need an accommodation or have any question about disability issues should contact Dean Meredith Tarditi at (215) 717-3165 or meredith.tarditi@curtis.edu.

    All syllabi should include an additional statement that directs students with wellness concerns to Meredith Tarditi, associate dean of student life and international student affairs. Here is a sample statement:

    In addition to your major teacher and classroom faculty, there are resources available to help with the stresses that accompany life at Curtis. Should you encounter any difficulties this semester, please contact Meredith Tarditi, associate dean of student life and international student affairs, at (215) 717-3165 or meredith.tarditi@curtis.edu for individual and group counseling referrals. For routine medical care, please make an appointment with Penn Student Health Service at (215) 746-3535.

    Indicate on the syllabus how best to contact you and when your office hours will be. Inform students that lost textbooks will be replaced at their own expense.



    Name; Curtis e-mail address; phone number (if you wish); office hours and location

    Course description

    Course goals, expected learning outcomes, and career skills

    List of course materials: texts and authors, composers and scores; media, etc.

    Method of evaluation: grading rubric, plan of assessment

    Attendance policy

      • Requirements to pass and policy re: excused absences, unexcused absences, lateness, cell phones, laptops and devices

    Academic Honesty Policy

      • Please refer to the complete policy online here.
      • Please remember to use the exam and essay signature forms for major assignments.

    Statement re: services available for students with questions about learning styles and learning challenges

    Statement about wellness


      • Expected topics and discussion subjects class by class and week by week; projects, Moodle assignments, reading, listening, writing assignments.
      • Check www.curtis.edu for orchestra performances and operas; check intranet calendar for performance activities and residencies, master classes.

    Homework, exam, and essay due dates and policies re: making up work

    A statement noting that your syllabus is subject to change is a good idea as well.

  • Guest Speakers and Field Trips

    There is a limited budget for guest speakers. Please notify your department chair at the beginning of the term if you hope to invite a guest speaker. He or she will work with the dean to determine whether the budget will permit the payment of an honorarium. Likewise, trips to historical sites, museums, plays, and other cultural activities may receive a small subsidy from the dean’s office. Often students are asked to contribute to the ticket price. Advance planning is required for all such activities; permission from the dean of faculty and students is required before any expenditure occurs.

  • Faculty Offices

    All faculty members may use the faculty office in Lenfest Hall (1616 Locust Street) Room 407. Please pick up a key from Lenfest Hall security to gain entry to the room.

  • Faculty Lounge

    The faculty lounge is located on the ground floor of the main building. More information will be available prior to the main building’s reopening in January 2022.

  • Faculty Absences

    If you will be canceling a class for any reason, please notify the registrar, Darin Kelly, at darin.kelly@curtis.edu or (215) 717-3108 and your department chair. If you are conducting your class off-campus or in the library, also be sure to notify the registrar. Whenever a class is canceled or moved, it opens a room for another class, lesson, coaching, or student practice. Similarly, when a teacher is out sick, members of his or her class may be able to schedule a rehearsal during the class time. If you anticipate missing more than one or two classes, please work with the dean and your department chair to arrange coverage for your classes.

  • Student Absences

    Master Classes

    It is not always possible to arrange master classes when there are no scheduling conflicts. Please note that attendance is mandatory at master classes for the student’s instrument. The master class schedule (in addition to all performance schedules) is available on the Asimut calendar. Advance notice will be given by the registrar when a master class will have a major impact on classroom attendance.

    Release Requests

    Please see Student Release Requests in the All-Faculty section of this Handbook. Students in danger of failure should not be released from class.

    Departmental Attendance Policies

    Instructors may opt out of their departmental policy as long as it is made clear in their syllabi.

    Unexcused Absences

    Absences may only be “excused” by the administration (i.e. the registrar or dean). All absences not approved by the administration will be considered “unexcused”. Instructors, at their discretion, may choose to excuse any absence given the student’s circumstances. Instructors may also choose to factor unexcused absences into a student’s overall grade. The number of excused absences may be confirmed at any time by the registrar.

    Student Responsibilities

    It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of his/her total number of absences during the semester. The student is also responsible for finding out what work he/she missed and for completing all missed classwork and homework after any excused or unexcused absence. Full participation is expected in the first class upon returning from any absence.

    Unexcused Absence Limits

    Please refer to your department’s attendance policy.

    Excessive Absences

    If a student has missed 50% or more of the classes at any point after mid-semester—whether the absences were excused or unexcused—the instructor will determine whether the student should be allowed to make up the work and tests that were missed in order to complete the course. If the instructor determines that the student should not be allowed to complete the class, the student will be removed from the class with an appropriate grade.


  • International Student Information

    The associate dean of student life and international student affairs provides guidance to students and staff on immigration regulations, issues immigration documents, and assures institutional and individual compliance with those regulations. In this way, Curtis preserves its ability to continue to accept international students. Strict compliance with all rules and regulations is critical.  As an institution, we are subject to inspection and recertification every two years, much like accreditation.  International students must strictly adhere to the regulations in order to preserve their ability to study in the United States and their future employment opportunities.

    The complex regulations impact numerous facets of life, from driving a car, to obtaining medical care, paying taxes, renting an apartment, traveling, and most importantly, working. As faculty, it may be helpful for you to be aware of some of the regulations by which international students must abide. They must:

    • enroll and study full-time, meeting a credit minimum each semester
    • attend class at least 80% of the time
    • make steady academic progress of a “C” average
    • report changes in address or phone number
    • NEVER engage in employment of any kind, paid or unpaid, at any time, without consulting the associate dean for authorization

    Any employment at all, even a singular performance paid in cash, is employment in the eyes of the law. The penalties for violating international student regulations are severe. They can include loss of status, revocation of visa, apprehension by law enforcement, deportation, and barred entry to the United States for up to 10 years.

    It is extremely important that our international students be encouraged to talk to the associate dean of student life and international student affairs prior to accepting employment of any kind, dropping classes, changing level or program, traveling, or making any changes that may affect their legal status to remain in the United States. As a member of the faculty, you can be influential in encouraging a student to consult with the associate dean of student life and international student affairs whenever such decisions must be made.

    If you have any questions concerning the immigration status of your student(s), please contact Meredith Tarditi, associate dean of student life and international student affairs, at meredith.tarditi@curtis.edu or (215) 717-3165.

  • Staff Directory

    You can view the Staff Directory here.

  • Log-in Protocol for Faculty

    Please refer to these guidelines for logging into the Curtis network and making use of the school’s IT resources, including:

    • your Curtis e-mail account
    • mobile access to Curtis e-mail
    • connecting to Curtis wi-fi
    • forwarding your Curtis e-mail to your personal e-mail account
    • accessing Moodle (for academic faculty)
    • accessing the Curtis Portal (intranet)
    • accessing Asimut, Curtis’s scheduling platform

    For assistance with connectivity issues, please contact Curtis IT.

  • Title IX at Curtis

    Enforced by the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments states, in part, that “no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

    Please familiarize yourself with the Title IX resources outlined in Curtis’s Institutional Policies. Questions about Title IX can be addressed to Nicholas Lewis, Title IX coordinator.

  • Joining Curtis

    Employment Policies

    Please familiarize yourself with Curtis’s Employment Policies.


    Curtis Photo ID

    Curtis issues photo ID cards to all employees. This card must be obtained from Nan Alderson, senior director of facility operations. Your ID card identifies you as an employee of Curtis and serves as your pass into our facilities and offices. It must be available for inspection and identification purposes at all times. The loss or damage of your ID card must be reported immediately to the senior director of facility operations. All ID cards remain the property of Curtis and must be turned into Curtis upon termination of employment, layoff, or at other times as directed. Employees who permit others to wear or use their ID cards are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge from employment.

    Minimum Age

    All full-time employees must be eighteen years of age or older or a high-school graduate seventeen years of age. In certain circumstances individuals under eighteen years of age may be employed subject to the requirements of state and federal law. Individuals under eighteen years of age may be employed in theatrical productions, musical recitals, or concerts; however, state regulations impose certain restrictions and Curtis must abide by those requirements. The director of human resources should be consulted for further information.

    Immigration Reform and Control Act

    The Immigration Reform and Control Act makes it unlawful for Curtis to hire any person who is not legally authorized to work in the United States. Upon hire, new employees will be required to complete an I-9 form and provide documentation of citizenship or eligibility to work in the United States. Employees who have requisite work visas will be required to maintain current visas and provide the director of human resources with up-to-date information.


    The first ninety (90) days of employment are probationary. During this time both parties may assess suitability for employment. This also provides management an opportunity to assess skill levels and address areas of potential concern. During the ninety (90) days of the probationary period, employment may be terminated by either party for any reason whatsoever, with or without cause, and without notice. At its sole discretion, Curtis may choose to extend the probationary period.

    At-Will Employment

    An employee of Curtis is a person who regularly works for Curtis for wages. Unless specifically stated otherwise in writing, all Curtis employees are “at-will” employees. You have the right to terminate your employment with Curtis at any time, with cause or without any cause, and without any advance notice prior to such termination. Similarly, Curtis may terminate your employment with Curtis in the same manner. Also, the terms and conditions of your employment with Curtis—including, but not limited to, your job assignment, duties, compensation, benefits, and work location—may be changed at any time by Curtis with cause or without any cause, and without any advance notice prior to such change. This is called at-will employment or employment-at-will. Nothing in this handbook, the offer letter, or other handbooks alters your at-will employment with Curtis. Moreover, no statement, promise, or agreement by anyone, at any time, written or oral, will change, or can be relied upon by you to change, your at-will employment with Curtis, except that if you are a party to a written employment agreement signed by you and signed on behalf of Curtis by either the president of Curtis or the chair of Curtis’s board of trustees, such written agreement can contain enforceable terms that provide for employment, other than at-will employment, which shall govern your employment with Curtis.

  • Working at Curtis

    Dress and Appearance Standards

    All staff members of Curtis shall present a personal appearance while on duty that is appropriate for their position and work assignments, and that fosters a positive and professional atmosphere and image appropriate for this educational institution. A staff member’s personal appearance under this policy includes matters such as dress, grooming, personal hygiene, and adornment.

    Curtis recognizes and respects individuality in personal appearance. However, Curtis has a business need to present, through its employees, a professional and positive appearance to the educational and business communities, and to maintain a positive, respectful, and safe environment. Proper dress, grooming, personal hygiene, adornment, and other aspects of personal appearance are important work-related requirements.

     Many forms of dress or attire, including, for example, head coverings required by an employee’s religious beliefs, ordinarily will meet the requirements of this policy. If Curtis determines that the personal appearance standards are not being met, reasonable accommodation or exception, if requested by the employee, will be given consideration by Curtis. Reasonable accommodation or exception with respect to the application of this policy may be requested by employees in other circumstances.

    Employees may present a request for an exception or reasonable accommodation to their supervisor or the senior vice president for administration. Each request will be given consideration and a response will be provided to the employee.

    No Smoking

    In compliance with applicable laws, smoking inside Curtis buildings, the bridges between its buildings, Lenfest Hall terrace, fire stairs, and near emergency exits is strictly prohibited. Smoking also is strictly prohibited outdoors within 20 feet of any entrance or exit of any Curtis buildings, out of consideration for the health of Curtis students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This includes the entrances to 1718, 1720, and 1726 Locust Street; Lenfest Hall; Rubenstein Centre; the handicapped-accessible entrance to Field Concert Hall; and all emergency exits.

    Further, cigarette butts should be properly disposed of, rather than dropped outside the buildings as smokers enter. We encourage all smokers to consider becoming nonsmokers.

    Any employee who is violating this policy will be informed that smoking is prohibited by law in those areas (referred to as the no-smoking areas) and will be requested to immediately refrain from smoking or leave the no-smoking areas. Applicable law provides for reporting to appropriate authorities if a person does not comply with a request to immediately refrain from smoking or leave the no-smoking areas. Any employee engaged in smoking in any building or facility of Curtis, or other no-smoking areas, will be subject to disciplinary action. The word “smoking” includes inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, or other such device that contains tobacco or other smoke-producing products, including “e-cigarettes.”

    Personal Property

    Employees are expected to exercise reasonable care to safeguard personal items brought to work. Curtis discourages employees from bringing valuables to work or leaving them where they might be damaged or stolen. Curtis is not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to personal property.

    Personnel Files

    Personnel files are the property of Curtis, and Curtis restricts access to them. Personnel files typically include such information as the employee’s job application, résumé, employment history with Curtis, warning or discipline, salary or wages, and performance evaluations.

    Curtis complies with applicable law concerning inspection of personnel files. An employee, or an agent designated by the employee, will be permitted to inspect the employee’s own personnel file, at reasonable times, upon request. Except for reasonable cause, inspection is limited to once every calendar year by an employee and once every calendar year by the employee’s designated agent. All reviews will be conducted in the presence of an official designated by Curtis, such as the director of human resources. The employee or designated agent of the employee is not permitted to remove the personnel file, any part thereof, or any copy of any of its contents from the office where the inspection is taking place. The taking of notes by the employee or designated agent of the employee is permitted.

    With respect to the designation of an agent, an employee has to provide Curtis with a signed authorization designating a specific individual or individuals and containing other information under applicable law. The director of human resources, upon request, will provide employees with more information about these requirements.

    Employees should contact the director of human resources if they have any questions or want to request a time to inspect their personnel files. Employees may be required to file a written form containing the request or indicating a designation of agency.

    Curtis may disclose, either voluntarily or if required, the contents of personnel files to persons or entities outside of Curtis, such as government agencies, accreditation organizations, auditors, lawyers, courts or other adjudicatory entities, or in connection with investigations or adjudicatory proceedings with appropriate employee notification.

    Open Door

    Curtis promotes an atmosphere whereby employees can talk freely with members of the management staff. Employees are encouraged to openly discuss any problems with their supervisor so appropriate action may be taken. If the supervisor cannot be of assistance, the director of human resources, as well as senior staff members, are available for consultation and guidance. Curtis is interested in all if our employees’ success and happiness with us. We therefore welcome the opportunity to help employees whenever feasible.

    Pets and Service Animals

    Pets are not permitted in Curtis facilities. Persons with a disability and requiring a service animal with them to work independently are the only exception to this policy. In these cases, medical documentation must be provided and approved by Curtis. If an exception is granted, the animal must be properly cared for and groomed. The animal must be contained within the employee’s office so as not to disturb others. Any damage to Curtis furnishings or additional cleaning required will be charged to the employee.

    Social Media

    The popularity of social media has fundamentally changed the way we communicate at Curtis and as individuals. The term “social media” includes, but is not limited to, texting, blogs and propriety platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, Flickr, and Yammer. Curtis recognizes the power of social media, and the opportunity those tools provide to communicate with members of the Curtis community, including students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and other interested parties. It is important to recognize, however, that the use of social media at or concerning Curtis is governed by the same laws, policies, rules of conduct (see Code of Conduct and Ethics in Employment Policies, page 1) and etiquette that apply to all other activities at or concerning Curtis. Even activities of a private nature conducted away from Curtis can subject you to disciplinary action if they reflect poorly on Curtis or interfere with the conduct of Curtis business. Use of the internet (which includes accessing social media sites) is defined under the Computer and Telecommunications Services Policy in Employment Policies, page 14.

    NOTE: In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, subject to other applicable Curtis policies, this policy does not prohibit employees from using social media to discuss among themselves, even in terms that may be critical of Curtis, matters relating to the terms and conditions of their employment.

  • Emergency Conditions and Inclement Weather

    Curtis always remains open unless the Governor of Pennsylvania or the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia declares a state of emergency. In case of inclement weather, please call (215) 717-3173 to hear a recorded message with updated information about activities at Curtis.

    Extreme Weather Conditions

    Extreme weather conditions may make it difficult for employees to report to work. In such extreme conditions, it is the responsibility of the employee to notify his or her supervisor if they cannot report to work. It is the responsibility of the department head to maintain departmental coverage. If a department is not able to provide coverage, the department head must notify Larry Bomback, senior vice president for administration.

    In the event of early closure, the senior vice president for administration or the senior director of facility operations will notify employees by e-mail or the inclement-weather hotline.

    Pay Provisions Under Extreme Weather Conditions

    In the event of extreme weather conditions, if an employee is not able to report to work, it is at the discretion of the supervisor to say if the employee will be paid as part of his or her regular hours or if the employee should utilize vacations hours. If Curtis officially closes and the employee does report to work, it is at the discretion of the supervisor to compensate the employee accordingly.

  • Copyright Guide

    Basic Rule

    Under U.S. law, as of 2021 only publications with a copyright date of 1925 or earlier are no longer protected by copyright (in other words, they are in the public domain) and therefore legal to reproduce with no restrictions. Published works still under copyright may be reproduced under various exceptions, including Fair Use. Each year beginning in January 1, 2019, a new year’s worth of previously copyrighted material will enter the public domain. For example, on January 1, 2022, all works published in 1926 will enter the public domain.

    Educational Fair Use of Music Scores Under Copyright

    For academic purposes other than performance, single or multiple copies of excerpts of works may be made, provided that the excerpts do not contain a part of the whole which would constitute a performable unit such as a section, movement or aria, but in no case more than 10 percent of the whole work. The number of copies shall not exceed one copy per pupil.

    For purposes of performance when a printed copy cannot arrive in time a photocopy may be substituted. The photocopy must be destroyed as soon as a printed copy is available. It is permissible to photocopy selected pages to facilitate complicated page turns.


    • copying to create or replace or substitute for anthologies, compilations, or collective works;
    • copying of or from works intended to be “consumable” in the course of study or of teaching such as workbooks, exercises, standardized tests, and answer sheets and like material;
    • copying for the purpose of performance, except as noted above;
    • copying for the purpose of substituting for the purchase of music, except as noted above; and
    • copying without inclusion of the copyright notice which appears on the printed copy

    Educational Fair Use of Books and Periodicals Under Copyright

    Single copying for teachers: A single copy may be made of any of the following by or for a teacher at his or her individual request for his or her scholarly research or use in teaching or preparation to teach a class:

    • a chapter from a book;
    • an article from a periodical or newspaper;
    • a short story, short essay, or short poem, whether or not from a collective work; or
    • a chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture from a book, periodical, or newspaper.

    Multiple copies for classroom use: Multiple copies (not to exceed in any event more than one copy per pupil in a course) may be made by or for the teacher giving the course for classroom use or discussion; provided that:

    • the copying meets the tests of brevity and spontaneity as defined below; and
    • meets the cumulative effect test as defined below; and
    • each copy includes a notice of copyright.

    Questions about Copyright

    Faculty should direct specific questions about copyright to Emily Butler Waters, assistant dean of the library and archives.