Zsolt, Neuling, Strauss, and more

  • Free, Student Recital
  • Oct 30, 2024 @ 7:30 P.M.

Curtis Institute of Music students perform over 100 free recitals during the school year, held on most Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. Admission requires advance registration and is complimentary.

Please note: Performance programs are subject to last-minute changes and cancellations.


ZSOLT Happy Blues
BLACK Voyager

Nicholas Ivy, horn

MADSEN Sonata, Op. 24

Kristin Andlauer, horn
Yoni Levyatov, piano

STRAUSS Nocturno, Op. 7
NEULING Bagatelle

Christine Ott, horn
Yoni Levyatov, piano

SHAW Frippery

Kristin Andlauer, horn
Elizabeth Crafton, horn
Nicholas Ivy, horn
Kathryn Jarmulowicz, horn

About the Performers

Kristin Andlauer, from Roxbury, N.J., a student of Jeffrey Lang and Jennifer Montone, is the Thomas and Patricia Vernon Fellow and entered Curtis in 2023 

Elizabeth Crafton, from Savannah, Ga., a student of Jeffrey Lang and Jennifer Montone, is the Robert Montgomery Scott Fellow and entered Curtis in 2023.   

Nicholas Ivy, from Seminole, Fla., a student of Jeffrey Lang and Jennifer Montone, is the Alice Madge and William J. Middleton Fellow and entered Curtis in 2022 

Kathryn Jarmulowicz, from Minneapolis, a student of Jeffrey Lang and Jennifer Montone, is the Abigail Rebecca Zubrow Cohen Memorial Fellow and entered Curtis in 2024 

Christine Ott, from Rochester, N.Y., a student of Jeffrey Lang and Jennifer Montone, is the Bob and Caro Rock Fellow and entered Curtis in 2020 


Yoni Levyatov, staff pianist

    • Date Oct 30, 2024
    • Time 7:30 P.M.
    • Location Curtis Institute of Music, Field Concert Hall