Organ Studio Recital

  • Free, Student Recital, Studio Recital
  • Dec 4, 2024 @ 7:30 P.M.

Curtis Institute of Music students perform over 100 free recitals during the school year, held on most Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. Admission requires advance registration and is complimentary.

Please note: Performance programs are subject to last-minute changes and cancellations.


LOCKLAIR Rubrics: A Liturgical Suite

Andy Brown, organ

BOROWSKI Adoration

Boha Moon, violin
Andy Brown, organ

CABANILLES Corrente Italiana
PRICE Elf on a Moonbeam
RHEINBERGER Sonata, Op. 148, No. 11

Isabella Isza Wu, organ

COCHEREAU Scherzo Symphonique
BAKER Danse Diabolique

Daniel Colaner, organ

IVES Variations on America
ALAIN Variations sur un thème de Clément Jannequin
WILSON Toccata

Sarah Palmer, organ

WIDOR Trois Nouvelles Pièces, Op. 87
PAULUS Toccata

Daniel Carroll, organ

About the Performers

Andy Brown, from Silver Spring, Md., a student of Alan Morrison, is the Mrs. Cary William Bok Fellow and entered Curtis in 2023. 

Daniel Carroll, from Hamilton, Va., a student of Alan Morrison, is the William S. Mulherin and Joseph F. Baker Fellow and entered Curtis in 2023. 

Daniel Colaner, from Akron, Ohio, a student of Alan Morrison, is the Dr. Mi-Wha Lee Fellow and entered Curtis in 2024.   

Boha Moon, from Seoul, a student of Ida Kavafian, is the Thomas D. Watkins Fellow and entered Curtis in 2023.   

Sarah Palmer, from New York City, a student of Alan Morrison, is the Stephanie Yen-Mun Liem Azar Fellow and entered Curtis in 2023.   

Isabella Isza Wu, from Madison, Wis., a student of Alan Morrison, is the Charles and Judith Freyer Fellow and entered Curtis in 2022.   

    • Date Dec 4, 2024
    • Time 7:30 P.M.
    • Location Curtis Institute of Music, Field Concert Hall