Ania Lewis


Ania Lewis, from Cleveland, entered the Curtis Institute of Music in 2021 and studies cello with Peter Wiley and Gary Hoffman. All students at Curtis receive merit-based, full-tuition scholarships, and Ms. Lewis is the Gie and Lisa Liem Fellow.

In 2017, Ms. Lewis made her solo debut with the Cleveland Institute of Music Orchestra and has won several awards and competitions throughout the Cleveland area. As a chamber musician, she was a founding member of the Lumiére String Quartet, who were prizewinners at the Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition and the Rembrandt Chamber Music Competition. Additionally, she has performed chamber music with many prominent artists such as the Rosamunde Quartet, Steven Tenenbom, Roberto Díaz, and members of The Philadelphia Orchestra and the Cleveland Orchestra.

With a strong love for orchestral playing, Ms. Lewis was the principal cellist of the Curtis Symphony Orchestra in the 23-24 school year, and is currently the associate principal cellist of Symphony in C. She has performed as a substitute with the Cleveland Orchestra, and was awarded a fellowship to the Tanglewood Music Center. Her other festival participation includes the Aspen Music Festival, Sarasota Music Festival, Bowdoin International Music Festival, and Domaine Forget International Music Festival, where she appeared in masterclasses for YoYo Ma, Johannes Moser, and Colin Carr.

Ms. Lewis holds a certificate from the Cleveland Institute of Music’s Young Artists Program where she studied with Stephen Geber and Mark Kosower. Other recent teachers and mentors include Yumi Kendall, Christine Lee, Nick Canellakis, and Martha Baldwin.