
Brass Quintet

Chia-Yu Hsu


Sparkle was written to celebrate the establishment of Lenfest Hall at the Curtis Institute of Music which marked a milestone in the history of Curtis, one of Chiayu’s alma maters. The composition, which was inspired by the imagery of fireworks, appropriate for this occasion, is a fanciful and brilliant work for brass quintet. Tightly animated and choreographed textures are created with various and dynamic motives which collide and “sparkle”. The composition begins with an imitative fanfare in which independent lines periodically combine to create a dramatic gesture. Towards the end of the first section, special timbral effects of clicking, popping and smacking suggest the sounds of fireworks. In comparison the interior slow section of this three-part structure is quieter and more lyrical but still highly animated with an often dense counterpoint. With references back to the opening, a dramatic finale is created through all of the voices building in energy to a final synchronized gesture.


Chia-Yu Hsu Sparkle
  Commissioning Year
October 15, 2014
Gould Rehearsal Hall, Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, PA
  Recording Excerpt
October 15, 2014
Gould Rehearsal Hall, Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, PA


  • Chia-Yu Hsu Composition

    Born in Banqiao, Taiwan, Chiayu is a professor of composition at UW-Eau Claire and is an active composer of contemporary concert music. Chiayu has been interested in deriving inspirations from different materials, such as poems, myths, and images.

    She was the winner of numerous awards and grants and have been commissioned by various ensembles. Her works have been performed by orchestras, chamber ensembles, and soloists in Australia, Asia, America, and Europe.

  • Nozomi Imamura Trumpet
  • Alexander Greene Trumpet
  • Eric Huckins Horn
  • Daniel Schwalbach Trombone
  • Lee Jarzembak Tuba

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